Thursday, October 8, 2009

241) I honestly was NOT sad when i took this

For some reason, one of my eyes by itself appears to look REALLY sad...strange...

This picture is to illustrate my leg warmers (lower left side). I had to wear leg warmers because I was wearing tights today. I was wearing tights today because I have no clean clothes left. I am slow to do many necessary laundry.

Edit: Oh my GOD major type-o. I was NOT sad when I took this, and that was what the title was SUPPOSED to be. It's funny because I was NOT sad at all, but for some reason LOOKED that way because you could only see one of my eyes. Sorry for anyone becoming concerned about my mental health or anything...I'm good.

240) this honestly is no scarier than it was pre-color inversion

safewalk makes me a little crazy

(safewalk=student employment)

239) a saturday night for the books

Saturday night+homework+separation from friends=Harumph

238) ACK

I am horrified by my general appearance in this photograph, but when you go for walks in the big city...sometimes you find wonderful friendly cats.

237) woop

that guy behind me! that's my husband, bob. he rocks.

not my real husband. my musical theater husband.

236) can you spot me?

on my way hooooome. :)

235) maybe it's that college water

I've been liking my hair lately. for some reason. *shrug*

This, I think, was taken in the hallway of my floor at about 1:30 AM. Woop.

Also, I've started saying "woop" and I don't know why.