Sunday, January 25, 2009

(25) Sunday night.

Thanks for cooperating, cat.

She hung out with me all night while I cleaned my room (ok, not really).

By the by, if I randomly stop uploading for a day or's generally because of that internet problem previously mentioned. My room is a black hole for internet connectivity. So, if it's late at night and I'm already in bed, there is no way in HELL I am hauling my lazy self downstairs just to do this blog.


I have some other stuff I want to write about, but I'm saving it for tomorrow because right now I need to go back upstairs and clean off my bed so I can sleep on it.



Anonymous said...

Fortunately, you won't have that problem in a few months. lol.

Bess Ann said...

I know it. Which is why I'm taking advantage of kitty time before I have to leave my best friend behind.