My mother told me today that I was looking especially beautiful.
(I looked like I do in above picture all day. I did not get out of my pajamas, clean up, or brush my hair. I also did not do anything productive, really. I submitted some college shit...and watched movies. And surfed the internet. And played some Debussy. I love Sundays.)
I don't care if I didn't look beautiful while doing these things. The only time I left the house was to a) go feed my friend's cats and b) drop off the house key of someone I was previously cat sitting for. I saw no one outside my family. Screw beauty!
You know you don't need to try, right? Sometimes, the observation that you're beautiful is not in some "preparation" you feel you didn't do, it's just in the observer's particularly noticing your beauty on that particular day.
I wish you wouldn't denounce it so much, it's just a compliment on something someone was feeling about you that day...
She was actually being sarcastic, though. I promise I wasn't just shooting her down, like I know I've been guilty of doing...
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