Sunday, January 25, 2009

(25) Sunday night.

Thanks for cooperating, cat.

She hung out with me all night while I cleaned my room (ok, not really).

By the by, if I randomly stop uploading for a day or's generally because of that internet problem previously mentioned. My room is a black hole for internet connectivity. So, if it's late at night and I'm already in bed, there is no way in HELL I am hauling my lazy self downstairs just to do this blog.


I have some other stuff I want to write about, but I'm saving it for tomorrow because right now I need to go back upstairs and clean off my bed so I can sleep on it.


(24) Saturday

I confess.

I didn't take a picture on Saturday...this one and the next one are both from today. But...Sunday was very long and I did a lot of different things and took pictures throughout the day, so I don't care that much that this is cheating.

This was taken as I restarted my computer.
...I had to restart it because sometimes the internet in my room just craps out, and it occasionally is the computer's I try this just in case. Didn't work this time, but I digress.

I spent a good 3-4 hours on my bed, laptop on my outstretched legs with music playing, surrounded by Spanish dictionaries and textbooks.

I'm still not done with this homework.

(23) Friday

Isn't that a beautiful word?

It means "beloved".

(22) Thursday

This is how my beautiful cat and I napped, her on the otoman and me on the couch...such that I was late getting back to school. My cat did not wake me up like I had wanted.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

(21) Debussy

Today I had my first piano lesson in more than a month, I reckon. To say that I was excited would be...quite an understatement. I have been at the keyboard more than average this week (but I'm sad to say my average is rather low, in the first place), and I have...fallen more and more in love with Claude Debussy. I have his complete preludes and an additional large book of his assorted piano works...and generally, when I sit down to practice, I end up losing myself in page after page of dissonant, beautiful, melodic, rich, expressive, explosive, drifting, soothing French music.

I am currently listening to quite the prize which my piano teacher happily found at Barnes and Noble: Debussy, Complete Piano Music, Volume 1...recorded by Werner Haas. Admittedly, I've never heard of Werner Haas...but I trust his take on this precious music. It's very soothing indeed.

In other is our president doing?

Goodbye Guantanamo; Hello lobbying reform and White House staff pay freeze.

I have a feeling Mr. Obama and I are going to get along.

About the picture, I guess...It was a weird day. I'm in a good mood now, though.

I mostly choose this picture because of the sky.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

(20) I'm just futuristic like that

I send messages ahead in time.


I am a happy camper! I've been waiting with great anxiety since the beginning of Bush's second term for my chance to vote in the election he doesn't get to steal and hopefully watch my vote support the new president.

Score one for young adolescent dream being achieved!

...I really wish I could have been in D.C. though. I love that city, and while it made me happy just to watch the whole inauguration ceremony live on television during A Cappella amazing would it have been to experience this historical event first hand?

(19) Knows

Taken the last full day of the Bush regime.

It's my nose.


Sometimes I wear this wooly fleecy winter hat all day. This usually occurs when my hair is just too gross to expose.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

(17) Just call me Barrista

I make good samiches at the Common Cup. This is from Saturday, yesterday. Sunday's is yet on its way...but I think I'm going to bed now! Rehearsal pretty soon.

(16) Catching up still.

Friday last. I arrived home after school/rehearsal to find that the first poster I ever put on my ceiling (it's been there for four years now) had fallen down all except one side. It was just...hanging in space above my bed.

It was eerie!

In's still hanging above my bed. Right above my head, even! I'm so lazy. My room has been falling to shambles for weeks.

(15) Playing catch-up still: How many scarfs need one person own?

Thursday last.

This is not the extent of my scarf problem. These are just the six I could find in my room.

School was canceled this day...allowing for eight hours of play rehearsal to ensue. And it was still bitterly cold.

(14) Playing catch-up

Wednesday last.

A blah day warrants a blah picture!

A two hour late-start day, scheduled.

Bitterly cold.

That's all I remember!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

(13) An ear full

I had meant to get a photo of my earring today: A purple-grayish-clearish stone carved into a cat's face. My little brother gave them to me for Christmas a few years ago.

I like this picture better. And you still see a little bit of the skull stud.

Monday, January 12, 2009

(12) My foot is asleep

I wonder if I have jazz in the morning...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

(11) Well...comfortable, at least.

My mother told me today that I was looking especially beautiful.

(I looked like I do in above picture all day. I did not get out of my pajamas, clean up, or brush my hair. I also did not do anything productive, really. I submitted some college shit...and watched movies. And surfed the internet. And played some Debussy. I love Sundays.)

I don't care if I didn't look beautiful while doing these things. The only time I left the house was to a) go feed my friend's cats and b) drop off the house key of someone I was previously cat sitting for. I saw no one outside my family. Screw beauty!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

(10) Dinner and a Movie

I drove up to Willmar today for a real, bonafied, authentic date today. Dinner and a movie. :) It was vaunderful.

There have been a lot of car pictures already, I realize. But I liked the lighting and wanted to show off the beautiful vintage pearl-y strand necklace that I wore today.

(9) Piss. Me. Off.

On Friday, a ton of things happened which could make excellent blogging topics...probably because I was awake for so long. (Getting up early and going to bed late sucks.)

But...right at the very end of my waking hours...I was about to be home and turn in when I discovered the sight above.

Ever since it hit like...99926 or something last week or the week before, I have been waiting for the mileage to reach 100000 miles so I could take a picture.

So of course on Friday whilst I was driving about, 100000 comes and goes without me.

Piss. Me. Off!

My finger is in this picture, even if you can't see it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

(8) Knowledgeabowl

Sometimes I drive home with my eyes all bugged out and my mouth open slightly.

...As in, this is an illustration of my dedication to perfecting my R rolls. I've been practicing. A lot. And it annoys people. XD

They're just jealous of my skills.

In other news...I have a Knowledge Bowl meet tomorrow. I am extremely excited. And I have to get up early. So...enough of this post.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

(7) Seeing double

Above, you will see a picture of my eye...scary eyelashes and all. It's the first decent photo of it I've ever captured. And'll see my tongue, mid r-roll.

I learned how to roll my Rs yesterday. XD

Seeing double...not only this picture, but in rehearsal today. We drilled a scene forever to get it just right. The scene was about students drilling a scene to get it just right.

Mind boggling, much?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

(6) Yes, I am in this picture.

This afternoon, I indulged in a nap between classes.

...And that's the story of this picture.

Any questions?

Monday, January 5, 2009

(5) An Argile Kind of Day

I actually started out the morning wearing a DIFFERENT sweater of the same pattern...but when my friend and I have the same argile cardigan just in different color schemes. Strangely enough, said friend was wearing said cardigan today when we made lunch together at my I changed. And we matched. And we looked ridiculous, especially when we worked together later. It was silly. And delightful.

Side note: The sweater I started out wearing this morning? A different friend of mine has a match to that one, too. Argile is just a fabulous pattern.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

(4) I tried to hide from the world!

I took this picture this morning. I started out the day trying to hide from the world. I didn't want to deal with today being the last full day of break, I guess. Foolish decision. Turns out the world didn't want me to hide. It was so passionate about finding me that it took today and turned it into one sucky thing after another until I couldn't take it anymore. Today was simply...awful! Wholly awful. And now I'm going to bed completely down in the dumps. Dag nab it.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

(3) My lips are really chapped, but that's not the point

I wanted to show off the amazing necklace my friend gave me, and I wanted to use an interesting angle. This is the best I could do. Good night!

(2) A new year warrants a new belt

For the last...probably year and a half, I have had this soft thick cloth belt of the Rastafarian colors. Wearing the belt every day for so long took its toll...fraying and ripping it. So, for Christmas, I asked for a new belt. The one you see above is NOT the belt I received. I forgot to bring it along to the Cities overnight with me to wear the next day...all of my jeans are way too big for me, so this was a problem. Thusly, I purchased this one in its stead. Boy. Howdy.

(1) A new year in the life

Starting the whole project over, and this is my first photo.

I am pleased to say that it is infinitely better than the last first photo.

Taken at my uncles' home on New Years Day . I love it there. One of my favorite places to be, ever. It puts me in a very good mood.

...Not that you can tell, in this picture.

I was exhausted.