Sunday, November 30, 2008

*Stumbles back to blog, whistling and staring at the ceiling and trying to look inconspicious*


I haven't kept up this project for at least two weeks now. I'd go into the reasons, but those of you who matter most to me already know about the general goings-on of my life and those of you who don't know...too bad for you!

I don't know if I'm going to pick back up on this project, to be honest.

I took photos for a few days after the last post, but then God picked up the giant room containing all elements of my life, kicked it around for a while, swapped half the contents for Pokemon cards, and set it back down.


Instead, I'm going to write about small nowhere towns and funny they are.

I saw my cousin Mike for the first time in at least a year, today. It's not that he lives far away; it's just that his family and my family...aren't very close. He's in his early twenties and currently works as a pig (sorry, I mean cop) in South Dakota.

Anyway. Today he told me about this little town in SD he once passed through with a few members of his squad. The town welcome sign boasted its motto: "Into the future." Hilariously, the sign also boasted it to be the home of the 1973 state champion girls' swim team. The other features of this small place were dirt roads (zero pavement), a bar which had once been a bank, and a gas station.

Into the future.

Also striking me today is the town of Watson, MN. I have driven through it countless times, going back and forth to my grandparents' town. I always notice the sign you see upon entering and exiting (mind you, once you enter it takes about 20 seconds to exit). "The Goose Capital of the USA", or something similar. Did they get voted the goose capital? Why have I never seen geese there? How many other towns are vying for that title...or already sharing it? Should we take this to court, who is ACTUALLY the goose capital of the country? Does it really matter? Why would a town boast its goose population...mind you again, geese are MIGRATORY, WATER-LOVING birds. Making their permanent home nowhere, but generally chilling near lakes. Watson, as far as I can tell, has no water bodies.

Er...excellent deduction, Watson.

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