Sunday, August 30, 2009

209) Traded the universe

Life stole my red sunglasses from me, and promptly replaced them with some pink-and-white checkered ones. I'll take what I can get.

208) bunny love

I love the state fair.

207) halfed

Most of my friends have left home,'s a wonderful and horrible feeling. Each of them has stolen a little piece of me and taken it off with them.

206) All squishy...

Details of this incident can be viewed here.

205) Life is so pleasing sometimes.

Even if my face doesn't show it?

204) South Dakota

happens. Embrace it.

203) SPLAT

Out in the prairie countryside by night, we can be found cooking vegetarian meals and splatter-painting.

202) Woosh

Sometimes I have bad days.

201) Love this place

Arriving at work at 6 am, and not unlocking the doors until 7:30 am. One of my favorite things of the summer. Having the coffeeshop to myself whilst I baked, brewed, and stocked. It's a fabulous thing. One morning, I had no customers until almost eight thirty. Even though I had good music to play and the aroma of fresh cookies and coffee cake to savor, the morning was just too perfect to pass up...I sat outside on a cement ledge next to the door about 6 feet off the sidewalk.

You can kind of see the fogginess of the morning in the reflection on the window.


This picture is not flattering of me. I look at it and see my awkwardly proportioned cheek bones, small teeth, and colorless hair. But that's not what this blog is about...looking good. What is this blog about, anyway? Feeding my "Me-Generation" narcissistic tendencies?


Never lacking the feeling that I have something to get done?


Anyway. If you're reading this, thanks. I wish I was doing this project in its intended form. Maybe someday I will. Right now I'm satisfied with this.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

199) Hint of Italy in the middle of the midwest

That's what a friend told me I appeared to be, at least. I love this picture.

198) All fancy-like.

My pictures sometimes seem way more pleasing to my eye when they are upside down.

197) sleeping out-of-sync

Two weeks ago, I covered my bed in my entire wardrobe to sort it out and donate much of it to the Salvation Army.

It's still there.

I've been sleeping like this, instead. On my futon.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

196) Ah, county fair.

I felt like a little kid going on all those rides.

195) Something new to think about

bored with life? stab new holes in your ear!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

193) from two weeks ago today

one fateful sunday night, I began to clean out my closet and drawers

I discovered that night, among other things, that i own more than 80 t-shirts.

like this one, from a florida high school.

and this one, which says "Runner Girl"

and my "I'm the evil twin" tee from junior high

I heart nerds?

and an ever-important pink smiling skull t-shirt.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

191) The harder ones

Harder times, harder shots to capture.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

189) One eighty nine.

Yeah, this blog has been keepin' on.

I like this photo because only one little piece is in focus.

188) Rain.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

187) A little wiped out.

I've been playing in a pit orchestra lately about 90 minutes away from my home...the drive gets wearying, especially when I must get up early the next day.

186) Whose house are you haunting tonight?

185) Have I mentioned, yet, that I have a new camera?

I took it for a walk immediately upon owning it, so as to make sure that I like it! I do. Very, very much.

I also like pictures any way but right-side-up, lately.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

184) I'm going to need a break here...

This is indeed another phone hand is there somewhere...this is my phone receiving a call from Andrew. :)