Saturday, February 28, 2009

57) Yesterday = Rocks

Blurry...but that's how I was feeling when I took this at 12:30 a.m. last night as I worked on the Wednesday crossword puzzle to wind down.

UMM was hopping last night...Jazz Concert, Of Mice and Men performance (in the same building), and a drag show in the student center to top of Pride Week.

It was a great night! I've never been jazzed like that before. The combos were all fantastic.

56) On Thursday there was a blizzard!

And I spent most of my day on my bed in some form.
Even so, it wasn't a fantastic day.
Snow days don't really affect me because I would only have had music classes on Thursday anyway...

55) On Wednesday, I wore a bright purple short-sleeved asymetrical jacket.

It was a knowledge bowl meet...the last before Semi-regions. The theme was Bad-Ass/Leather jacket/Greaser. I do not own a leather jacket. Also, we got our butts kicked.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

54) And Yesterday. Huzzah!

I strangely like this. That bulbous white thing on the left is my nose.

53) Monday!!!! Almost caught up.

I'm aware that this picture is crap, but Carter wanted to see what I was wearing that day when I told him I had to go "get cute" for work.

(Sometimes when I'm bored I fix up my appearance.)

So, we had (from bottom to top)
old gray canvas sneakers with rainbow laces
purple skinny jeans
a black tank top with an empire waist
a super long huge gray cardigan, bunched up
a skinny shiny black belt
a long silver necklace looped around my neck twice
and my hair was braided back in two big braids meeting in a low messy bun...
(the hair was actually the "getting cute" part. the rest of it I wore to school, 'cept with high heels.)

52) Now Sunday's was fabulous.

My room. It's a clean place.

I meant to fix the months of built up clutter on Sunday...(you can only see approximately 1/30 of the clutter through this little doorway)...but instead I spent the majority of the day on my bed in my pajamas.

Then I watched the Oscars, and cried when Heath Ledger won Best Supporting Actor.

I'm so sentimental, I couldn't help it.

51) A Saturday last.

....................................................Checking my hair? *shrug*

50) Here's last Friday's...

A charmingly over-exposed photo of the ducky slippers my brother gave me at Christmas several years back. On my feet, of it counts as a self-portrait.

49) And this one to Thursday

Self explanatory boredom.

48) This belongs to last Wednesday

That Wednesday, I wore bright purple skinny jeans with a short polka dotted dress and a blue v-neck t-shirt. As you can see above. It looked fabulous with kitty hair all over it. Oh well...worth it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

43-47) Finally caught up through yesterday's (featuring a red dress)

Above is a close-up of the most stunning dress I have ever tried on. If I had $278 to throw away, it would've been mine.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

(31) Saturday. Subsections!

With special guest Jen: Our faces melt off!

(30) Friday...Exhaustion

Second day of One Act performances.

Let me tell is probably the most emotionally draining shows I have ever done.

I got home at...probably shortly after 11 PM, once our Don's tradition was all said and done?

And collapsed into bed. Like such. Then turned off the light. And went to sleep.

(29) Thursday

I got up at 6 AM on Thursday to go to the gym.

I ended up having plenty of time between the end of getting ready for school in the locker room and needing to be in the band I took the long way to school. It was such a perfect morning.

(28) Wednesday

A boring, blah, good-for-nothing cold wintry day.

And a photo to prove it.

(27) Tuesday-Talk about thread bare

I don't think you're necessarily supposed to be able to see your toes through your socks.

Bummer. I enjoy these socks...they have flamingos all over them.

(26) Monday

The surfaces of our skin are really neat. People strive to be wrinkle-free...if they take a closer look, we're covered in beautiful little lines already.

Resistance is useless. I strive to be wrinkly when I'm old. Laugh lines and crows feet. It will mean that I've gotten good use out of my face.