I got tagged in a bunch of those popular notes on Facebook that are like..."16 things you didn't know about me!" And it sounded like an interesting thing to explore. I'm hoping to encounter some thing new about myself...but even sharing something new with YOU will be a challenge because I'm generally an extremely open person and I don't really hide anything.
Maybe you'll learn something, maybe you won't. I actually quite enjoyed reading these as people posted them, but didn't feel like putting mine on Facebook. I have to be anti-fad somehow, right?
That's a good start...
1. I'm loudly anti-trend sometimes. Even if I secretly really like something that's "in", I'll either pretend not to or just generally ignore it. It's sort of like FORCING myself to be "unique".
2. Perhaps number 1 is the reason for this second one. I find the obsession with this fictional "Edward" person (er...vampire, rather) absolutely ridiculous and make fun of the fan base pretty regularly. Not the content of the book, just its fangirls. But the REAL reason I haven't read the book? I'm too afraid I'll actually enjoy it. Stupid, right? But you know, even if I do end up liking it I'll probably just keep that a secret or at least tone it down.
3. On a different note, I absolutely love winter. For the snow. And One-Act season.
4. I really, really want to sing with a band someday. Hopefully jazz.
5. I'm terribly, terribly lazy sometimes.
6. I love politics but I would NEVER want to be a politician. I'd way rather be a pundit.
7. I greatly desire to have a radio show. I'll probably pick up timeslot at KUMM over the summer.
8. I constantly seek approval.
9. Butterflies in my stomach for a positive reason if one of the best feelings.
10. This winter and spring, I'm going to memorize Debussy's entire Suite Bergamasque.
11. If I could travel time, I would go back to the year 1960 and just live through that entire decade.
12. Bari sax is one of my favorite instruments, even though I don't play it. Well...no. I CAN play it, I just don't have the opportunity to.
12 years ago