Saturday, August 30, 2008

(37) WOOT for being caught up

My family is gone camping at Glendalough State Park overnight with a bunch of our camping-type friends and I'm stuck in Morris because I had to work all afternoon. And what did I do...go to crazy parties? Empty the liquor cabinet? Have 10,000 people over?

Nope. I'm a good girl. I stayed home and cuddled with my cat.

(36) For 8-28. Thursday. National Convention boo-ya.

To watch the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, I went to some random students' rental and watched the big affair on the side of their house whilst swinging with a few strangers/Andrew and munching on snacks provided by the Obama campaign. It was a good deal.
I'm Bess Ann and I approve this message.

Friday, August 29, 2008

(35) For 8-29: I might be the living dead, but I am accomplished

I've only had two classes so far, but I am already (accidentally) WAY ahead in my reading for Introductory Sociology. I misread the syllabus. Go me.

I like this picture because I quite literally just zombie. The dead grayish brown rimming my one visible eye, the ashy tone of my skin, unhappy frizzled mousy hair...I am hot stuff right now. Well-read hot stuff.

Ok, So I realize that I am a failure

when it comes to keeping up on this blog, lately. I need to do today *and* yesterday...but I don't think I'm going to do yesterday's right You know what? I might do today's, as in, FRIDAY'S, right now. But yesterday's is going to be including something I'm too lazy to go fetch. Because it's 1 AM. And I fell asleep at my friends' dorm. Sleepy sleepy sleepy am I. I suppose I can do today's, though. And then the photos corresponding to the dates 8-29 and 8-28 would be switched...blah.

You know what the worst thing is? I can't promise you that my timeliness is going to get better because my high school year actually starts soon. With this comes a much busier schedule. Ugh, and much sleepiness due to the constant need to wake up at 7 AM. Oy vey.

Er...I might try to today's picture now. I suppose. Outie.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

(34) I got pulled over yesterday!

For the first time ever. The cop was actually a real sweetheart. It made my night. I didn't even have my license along and he was just a fantastic sport!
Clearly this picture is for yesterday.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

(33) 4 2sday

Me mum reads my blog. Hi, mom!

(32) For Monday

Sooo lazy and just not knowing what to do for this picture. :S I was talking on the phone to the beau, who shall be now and forever known as Andrew...and just lamed out of a decent picture. It was a busy day! Very, very fun. Met lots of people. Good times.

(31) For Sunday

I actually had a pretty fantastic Sunday. The beau moved into his dorm. =D Exciting times.

And it turns out that while I could clearly see myself in this picture while it was still in my camera, I can't see me at ALL once it's on la computadora.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

(30) Er, um...this is for yesterday.

Chilling out at the park, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and shade.
As in...avoiding my parents. Sitting with my back against a tree and painting my nails?
Yeah...that's what I meant.
My beau moved to town yesterday. :) Yay!

Friday, August 22, 2008

(29) Making a murder scene of this whole town...

If I died and they traced around my body, this is what it would look like.
We discovered a *magnificent* summer alternative to building snowmen in random yards and parking lots...sidewalk chalk murder scenes. =D

In other news: I am sore all over. I can hardly walk or sit. :(

Thursday, August 21, 2008

(28) Carl Sagan eat your heart out

I had a somewhat bad day. I'm not going to explain it, or this picture. This picture shall remain unexplained. I also will not elaborate on the title.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

(27) La de da de daaaa.....

I'm really effing healthy today. I worked out with my friend at 6 AM (6 AM?!). Nuts. This photo does not represent that time. This is me biking to her house earlier this evening. It was so beautiful outside! And my friend's neighborhood is pretty much the equivalent of this town's nice peaceful little suburb with...lawns and flowers and white picket fences and big trees. Loverly.

Let's just ignore the strip of jawbone acne and pretend I look nice in this picture.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

(26) Perfectly Cynical

A friend of mine told me today that she loves me because I'm perfect.

...Perfect? I am in NO WAY perfect. Of course, no one is perfect, but...I am *especially* imperfect. I responded thusly: "What?! ...Perfect? No way, I'm like...completely cynical! And mean and nasty! I'm an awful person!"
She just laughed and said: "I know! That's why you're perfect!''

I'm just adorably evil. As seen in the above picture.

You know? Some day I'll do a really good picture. One that I put lots of thought, time, and energy into crafting. And when that day comes, I'd better get some damn responses to it. :P

(25) Awash in sludge

I actually am really soothed by how everything in this photo is awash in golds and browns.
Today I was super lazy, again. I felt like I was turning to sludge, just lazing around.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Blogger is broken

I am unable to upload my picture right now. I've been trying for a few hours...but I don't think Blogger is going to give up. I'll post today's picture when I get up tomorrow, deal?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

(24) Soup-er lazy

Soup-er...because I ate Ramen with the girls tonight. And now we're watching Smart People. I hate every character in this movie thus far except Denis Quade's character's son. He's an enjoyable fellow.
Lazy...because I spent much of today laying on my bed in my pajamas. Which...consisted of the brown tank top and raggedy greenish skirt that I wore yesterday. The only reason I showered was to look presentable while parking cars at the county fair. I'm a bum.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

(23) Now THIS picture is for Saturday. Even though it's technically Sunday right now.

I am really, really happy right now. I had a great time at my buddy's going-away/birthday party, my day was spent loafing around with the afore-mentioned boyfriend, and I watched a really, really great movie for the first time tonight. (Pursuit of Happyness. Yeah, I know. How could I not have seen it until now?'s almost 2 AM and I look like butt, so I decided that laziness is going to dominate my quest for a photo to match today. Here is the smile which has been etched into my features for the last several hours:

This photo absolutely blows, but that's the kind of work I'm going to do at 2 AM. So, ha.
On the bright side, you get to see my cool lamp?
(WOAH, no pun intended.)

(22) This post is once again for yesterday...the 15th, I mean. Ugh!

At least *I* know what day I'm supposed to be on. Falling behind gets confusing, I shouldn't do it anymore.

I've been spending a lot of time reminiscing these days...right now is about the one year mark from when I met my boyfriend. Aaaand...that makes me happy. So I've been smiling a lot, too. And this picture of me, which I took a picture of for this blog, was originally taken at a surprise party held for me last year for my birthday. For which the afore-mentioned boyfriend did the scheming. Aren't a lucky gal?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

(22) Back to school shopping.

This is a horrible picture, but I wanted to show off my new shoes and skinny jeans.

In other news, I actually got a blog view from Croatia. They used Google Blogsearch and used the keywords "waterpolo Croatia"...I bet my rant was a let down. Regardless, I find that to be pretty much the coolest blog view ever. EVER.

(21) Picture from Wednesday the 13th

I'm falling behind....... :S

I sometimes am overcome by random energy drains, and when this happens...I nap.

Like such:

I greatly enjoy my soft limey sheets and robin's egg blue comforter.
Especially when it matches my eyeliner?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

(20) I matched the world today!

See sweater, under shirt, curb, and grass. =D

I for some reason chose to wear a cardigan, tank top, and jeans today. It's August. Hva faen?

I'm breaking the theme for this announcement

Serbia and Croatia are currently playing each other in Men's Water Polo.

This means two things:
1. There's a lot of hairy guys in that pool right now.
2. There's a lot of mauling, wrestling, drowning, and otherwise fighting between teams. Seriously. These guys want to hurt each other.

Why is this? Er...I can't really explain the unibrow-chest hair thing (although interesting thought: they may very well be the hairiest people of the Olympics) but the fighting? Croatia and Serbia were at war with one another from 1991 to 1995 regarding independence issues. Pretty much, Croatia wanted to break away from Yugoslavia and Serbia opposed this, so the Serbs living in Croatia were like "Well fuck this, we're attacking you from the inside now." And the war between Serb guerrillas and Croatia raged on for a couple of years.

So...these teams aren't just playing to win, they are playing for national pride and dignity. The announcers are commenting on the fact that tons of the players' countrymen are in the crowd watching the game anxiously because the outcome is very important.

...I don't know what I think about this situation. I really, really, REALLY despise war. And I mean...these men are the same, pretty much. They live in the same chunk of world and they certainly LOOK the same. I mean it; if you switched their helmets around you wouldn't know which was really which. (Heck. Right now I don't know which is which.)

Maybe next they should have the Greeks vs. the Turks.

War sucks...but the results a decade later of enemy countries playing water polo are pretty damn amusing.

Monday, August 11, 2008

(19) I feel all goey inside

This is a picture of me accepting the fact that my hair will always be frizzy when it rains (like today), that my skin is super oily, that my nose has a strange shape and is too large, and that I am...curvy, and smiling about it.

I am just FULL of fucking inner peace.

Today was full of ups and downs. I spent a lot of time thinking, smiling, frowning, and getting rained on. Oh, and I watched the Olympics a lot too.

It was difficult to pick a picture today for this project. I had another that was just my sweatshirt and tank top covered in rain freckles and the lighting was really neat...but I decided it was time to just show my face.

(18) Once a swimming freak...

...Always a swimming freak. Even after I stopped know...swimming. It just took watching one relay (yeah, THAT relay. the Phelps/Gail/Jones/Lezak kicking major epic ass one.) to remind me just how much of a geek for that sport I am. It definitely helped to be surrounded by my swimming friends whilst watching said Olympic event...good lord it was a good race. I thought it was lost to the French, but WHAT a come back!
I should not rant about this anymore.

This is a mash-up photo of my Freshman swim team individual picture and my beloved old swim cap. Good times.

It's 2 Am; I'm delirious; I'm going to bed!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

(17) This is a weird one

I really, really enjoy the top picture because of my ghosty/I'm-hardly-there quality and the fact that moving the camera around during the shot made the flash draw scribbles, and I kind of hate the bottom one except for the fact that my kitty is adorably trying to give me a human kiss. She really is amazing; it wasn't a lick like she usually does, it was a nose press. Like she was trying to kiss me on the cheek like a person, but cats don't really have lips. Sorry, Lily.

Friday, August 8, 2008

(16) I have no sense of self-worth

At least, today. It's usually at a pretty low rating but all day I felt like this:

I resent this project more than anything right now because tonight is not one in which I can take a picture.
I've been suspecting it for weeks, but today I am able to confirm that I am a bad person and I really, really dislike myself at this moment.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

(15) Cat shadow.

The shadow of my hand about to grab my cat is in this picture, so it counts. The reason I'm settling for such a this-hardly-counts picture is that in less than 2 minutes, it will be the one year anniversary of the day Andrew and I met. I want the picture on that day to be we go.

(14) This picture belongs to Yesterday

Come down, baby, from the mountain top
It's time for you to let this go
There's things out there you just can't stop
There's things out there you just don't know
-Danny Michel

I didn't get back into town last until 1 AM, so that explains the late picture.

I drove to visit Andrew over a yonder yesterday for probably the last time...But move-in day is approaching fast. =)
Excitement aplenty.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

(13) Epitome of lazy

10 points to anyone who can see exactly where I am in this picture and exactly how it was taken.

For realz.

Monday, August 4, 2008

(12) Mac and Cheese in a teacup.

I ate it tonight. Woo hoo.
I fought the urge to go with a much more serious, b&w, borderline-emo picture.
Because that's kind of how I feel right now. Self-pitying and unnecessarily mopey.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

(11) I am actually both Cher AND Barbara Streisand

1. A friend of mine (whose musical genius can be glimpsed here: told me today that I look like I could be Cher's cousin. Not Cher herself or even her twin, but maybe her cousin. He then went on to say that I could also look like Barbara Streisand a bit.
2. I chose pictures of them on purpose that look as far from my appearance as possible. =D
3. The photo of myself included in this mash-up is an awful snap shot both in representing me and my photography skills, but it was my favorite out of the batch because I look like the ghost of Jaundice.
4. I have yet to type the name Barbara without first writing Baraba and then Barbra. My fingers are confused today.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

(10) I think Paint is my new favorite program

And putting things on top of each other or side by side is my new favorite photo cheat.

I can't wait for Winnipeg folk festival next year.

Look at my hair! I enjoy it today.

Friday, August 1, 2008

(9) I dreamed last night I got on the boat to heaven

Actually, my dream last night was horrid.
But...I really like that song and it is stuck in my head. So there we go.

I'm feeling really goofy right now...the ride back home from Guys and Dolls today was very light-hearted.

Ten points to anyone who can explain this picture.